
Consumers are becoming savvy and as more CBD products line the shelves, they're starting to actually read the labels. Stand out from the competition by having your products tested by an elite, third-party lab.
If You're a Hemp Producer, Here's Why You Should Test:
Testing provides confidence in product potency and ensures the product is free of contaminants. Without testing product quality is only known by operational processes. What many producers often don’t realize is that analytical testing is quality control for their process.
When factories produce a consumer commodity, whether it’s cannabis edibles, Keebler cookies , Bayer pharmaceuticals or any other production operation, the quality of the product is dependent on batch and step by step testing accuracy and precision.
Variations in batch production processes (heat application, starting product moisture content and other variations in initial concentrations of cannabinoids) will cause variations in the final product.
Every batch requires testing in order to maintain consistency. Product specifications are required in every industry in order to market what’s being sold.
While most testing provides the gateway for product sales, it also ensures customer confidence and allows customers accurate comparison against other, similar products.
Therefore, the quality of the testing procedure, a procedure that accounts for comparability, representative samples, accurate and precise analyses that offer a complete picture for the producer will ensure the consistency of product needed.