
If you're a hemp grower, business is blooming, but there's a lot of competition. Make sure your product is in high demand by providing your customers with a complete profile of cannabinoids, terpenoids, microbes, and more.
If You're a Hemp Grower, Here's Why You Should Test:
Growing hemp or cannabis is a specialized type of farming. Not unlike other farming operations, there are questions associated with optimal harvest times, growing conditions that produce the best crops, and stressors that may restrict growth or production.
For cannabis growers, the questions that need to be answered are:
Do the crops produce the cannabinoids of interest? (e.g. hemp should be low THC and high CBD)
What are the stages of cannabinoid production in the plant? (e.g. when does CBG begin the process of converting to CBD or THC
When is this process optimized so that the plant can be harvested?​ ​
If we for example, compare growing grapes used in the wine industry, then it’s the sugar and water content that is constantly monitored in order to determine when the grapes are ready to harvest.
A similar analogy can be made with respect to CBD for hemp. At what point is this process optimized? Without testing, the optimum point of harvest could be miscalculated, especially if weather conditions have changed or plant stressor such as heat, cold or draught conditions are not constant from harvest to harvest.
This type of testing requires rapid turn-around results and consistent testing operations that can be trusted in order to be able to track what might be otherwise minor changes in plant production.
Analytical laboratory precision and accuracy must be maintained and therefore a single laboratory whose results are known to be of consistent quality should be used throughout the process from plant inception to final harvest.